JSS 14th Foundation Day

Jachung Security Services Pvt. Ltd celebrates its 14th Foundation Day on 14th July 2020.

Prior to being known as JSS, the company was a FDI venture popularly known as G4S. It specializes in outsourcing of business processes in sectors where security and safety risks are considered a strategic threat. G4S was initially was founded in Bhutan on 14th July 2006. After 8 successive years the G4S partners had to withdraw and officially succeeded by Jachung Security Services.

The celebration marks its achievement as the leading security company in the country covering 18 Dzongkhags with 700 employees with widest range of security aspects including both Manned and electronic security.

The celebration included staff promotions and awarding of certificates to employees completing 10 years of service.


Following are the list of employees completing 10 years of service.

Clock no. Names
1718 Sangay Tobgay
1804 Norbu Wangdi ‘B’
1807 Chozang
1919 Leki Minjur
2001 Jigme Chejay
2012 Sonam Dorji
2019 Norbu
2026 Dawa Pelmo
2031 Rinchen Wangmo
2100 Pema Phuntsho
2216 Tandin Lhendup


Promotion 2020

Head guard to Supervisor


Sl.no Clock no. Names
1 1807 Chozang
2 2100 Pema Phuntsho
3 2412 Sangay Dorji


Supervisor to Sub inspector (Drill instructor)

Sl.no Clock no. Names
1 5516 Wangtu

List of guards completing 7 years of service recommended for promotion.

Guard to Head guard

Sl.no Clock no. Name
1 3802 Jigme
2 3916 Pethala
3 4208 Jigme Choda
4 4216 Kinley Tshering
5 4311 Purna Bdr Ghalley
6 4400 Bishnu Bhakta
7 4514 Phurpa Dorji
8 4517 Sher Bdr. Ghalley
9 4521 Tashi Lhendup
10 4612 Tshering Dorji
11 4716 Tashi Dorji
12 4815 Tashi Dorji
13 4504 Karma Tenzin

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